Missed, but never forgotten

Uh Oh… I am lost for words this time… This normally doesnt happen, I am usually able to pop something out except for when I am sick or have a made a mistake (which I dont tend to handle well – whose with me???) Which is it this time??? You figure it...

Strumming my Guitar

Been crazy busy!!! So I have not been able to post anything in a while, I have photos there to post just have not had time to post them. This is normally how I do this – Take photos, dump them, pick one off to edit, upload to my gallery awaiting posting. Then I...

I wanna be a rock star…

Going, going, going…. So I have been on the go for a while now, not traveling for photography but rather my normal job. I am very fortunate to have a great job and am thankful for it, I am excited to get back to my normal day to day life after a bunch of travel...