Dark of the night

Randomness So randomness is something that when you write you grow accustomed to. Though sometimes the randomness gets a little bit to random to make sense out of the random thoughts that often come out randomly… see what I did there – totally...

Win a free print!

Win a free print!! For the Christmas season I wanted to give away a free print up to 12×18. Read below and see if you spy what I spied in this frame. I will give this a week and then enter all the correct answers in to a drawing and the winner will receive a free...

Life is Good

Yikes – Sorry about that! Well, I kind of lost track of posting daily photos…the last few weeks have been crazy to say the least. However I am back now and hope to get a few in the queue and ready to post. Holidays trip up everyone’s time – I...

Fall Pond

Behind scenes coming soon! Well, if you remember a few post back I was toying with the idea of doing behind the scenes videos of the shoots. I did a really quick attempt at this just to see how it went and if I would enjoy doing. It was quite fun! Next time I will get...

This Old Barn

Right back to my roots again!! I got a twitter comment after my video (which can be seen Here) asking if I ever did Black and White, my answer was yes of course, I just did not put them in there. So I had totally thought that I would post a black and white as my next...