
Ok, so I have to confess this is well beyond what I typically shoot – non-HDR Macro???? Chris, what are you thinking?? Well, I was thinking that I wanted to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and shoot other things. Not to mention that I got a great...


When reading to my kids there is a story called “Paddington” about an orphaned bear. It is quite the story let me tell ya! In the middle of Sprinter (yes sprinter – cross between spring and winter because Ohio weather is redunkulous) it is more of a...

More sites of spring

So, I will post one more thought of Spring given that it is feeling like spring out again today. One thing that I love is the site of butterflies. I caught this guy not far from my house – as in the end of my drive way :). The Monarch is in my opinion the most...

Looking to get entangled?

I was shooting with a friend of mine at the Siebenthaler Fen – he had this great 100mm Macro lens for my canon which he allowed me to put on and snap. I went there thinking I was going to be shooting landscapes and ended up shooting the entire outing in macro. I...