When reading to my kids there is a story called “Paddington” about an orphaned bear. It is quite the story let me tell ya! In the middle of Sprinter (yes sprinter – cross between spring and winter because Ohio weather is redunkulous) it is more of a challenge to shoot things that I normally shoot and love to shoot. My good friend Jeremi hooked me up with some lights about 6 months ago – to which I have not gotten any stands – why you ask? Simple – Chris does not shoot a lot of things that need light. So while being a bit bored and trying to get out of my comfort zone I bought the stands and now am challenging myself to get better using them. It was also mentioned to use stuffed animals for practice as they are easier than finding models (though if you are reading this and want to model for me please let me know!) so I grabbed this bear – missing nose and all and quickly dubbed him paddington. Snuggle up – I plan on shooting a lot of things using these lights – not all will be good but I will share them so you track my progress. But I promise I will also be shooting what you are used to seeing me shoot – good old landscape among others and HDR. Until then – what do you think of paddington?