Golden Bonzai

Ideas turning in my head Well, being creative for me is something that just makes me feel better. After a good creative day sometimes I am worn out but sometimes I am recharged. I have a few Ideas spinning in my head that I hope come to reality. When it does, I am...

Center Rage???

Well, I have not been posting regularly – sorry about that! Been tied up with a lot of stuff – no excuses though. I took this shot while in Austin. I remember running across the road to get the this shot (< - - click me) and looking up and saying HOLY...


What we have here is what space might look like. The elements in this shot to me were just fascinating. What is your favorite aspect here?


At the Johnson Space Center in Houston (Mission Control) you can take tours of a few things. They throw you in line, take your picture for security reasons (as well as monetary) then drive you to whichever tour you decide. I went to mission control thinking that it...