by Chris | Apr 22, 2012 | Blog, HDR
So one of my favorite places to shoot is the National Museum of the United States Air Force – to us that live simply Wright Patt. I went on a trip with my good friend Jeremi a while ago – months ago as in January. It is funny how at the time I went through...
by Chris | Apr 14, 2012 | Blog, HDR, Travel
So as a part II of yesterdays shot, here is the entrance to the Hotel that I was at. Something about it was simply interesting to me. I am really not sure what it is but I just liked it and shot it. I remember framing up the shot so quickly and running through...
by Chris | Apr 13, 2012 | Blog, HDR, Travel
Well, I am sorry for being absent for a few days, work was kicking my tail. We were in meetings for a few days, but after the meetings I took a little time to shoot a few at the hotel. This is more along the typical shot for me – but do you think that it is HDR...
by Chris | Apr 9, 2012 | Blog, HDR, Landscape
This little place is literally a 3 minute walk from my house. So why dont I go to shoot it more?? I really dont know. Anyways, here is today’s quaint little place enjoy 🙂
by Chris | Apr 4, 2012 | Blog, HDR, Landscape
Ok, so here is the first daily shot as I non-committed to. I remember now why the last time I thought I would try this that I dont – simply put – sometimes I am just not feeling it. That could be framing the shot, setting up, breaking down, traveling to...
by Chris | Apr 3, 2012 | Blog, HDR, Landscape
Ok, so here we go. I told myself I would never ever ever do this – what you ask? A 365 type project that forces me to pickup a camera and shoot something daily even if I dont want to. My buddy Jeremi does his and he let me borrow his go to lens that he uses...