Prop and all

Well, by now you know that I not only like military type subjects by have a strong love of aviation. The weird thing is – I hate to fly – mostly because I am not in control if I am the pilot all is well. While shooting at the Air Force Museum in Dayton...

Who can name this plane?

I usually shoot more inside at the Air Force Museum, however there are some exhibits outside that are equally interesting. This is one of them. Who can name this plane?

What’s left after War

The reality of war is not pleasant. To those that have served – thank you. To those that are going to serve – thank you. This is a very sad view of what war does and what is left over when everything is said and done. This scene is located that the Museum...

A Nashville Sunset

Back for a bit – I have not been doing good with my daily photos – I will try to get better with that – I recently went to Nashville as I have a wonderful set of friends there. It was a very creative weekend for me – not just with photography....

Ride in to the Danger Zone

Who doesn’t absolutely love the 80’s movies? Especially TopGun?? I know I do 🙂 Who doesn’t love a mighty F14 TomCat Fighter? I took this HDR handheld and pp it with almost a painting look and feel. Some do not like this type of processing, but I...

Full View

Well, this is my first attempt at anything like this. It is a Panorama from the Nation Museum of the USAF in Dayton Ohio. I went shooting with my friend and while there we were shooting a bunch of interesting things. We both were tired, spent about 3 hours in one...