Who can name this plane?

I usually shoot more inside at the Air Force Museum, however there are some exhibits outside that are equally interesting. This is one of them. Who can name this plane?

More sites of spring

So, I will post one more thought of Spring given that it is feeling like spring out again today. One thing that I love is the site of butterflies. I caught this guy not far from my house – as in the end of my drive way :). The Monarch is in my opinion the most...

Spring yet?

Since the midwest weather cant make up its mind to be winter or spring – it made me “warm weather sick”. There is nothing like hearing birds, flowers budding and blooming, warm weather. sun light, the smell in the air of freshness. This winter has...

What’s left after War

The reality of war is not pleasant. To those that have served – thank you. To those that are going to serve – thank you. This is a very sad view of what war does and what is left over when everything is said and done. This scene is located that the Museum...

Lightly held

I took this a long time ago but it is one of my favorites. I love the way the blade of grass holds the water the way a parent holds an infant. With a gentle touch the embrace is precious. Have you told someone today that you loved them?

A Nashville Sunset

Back for a bit – I have not been doing good with my daily photos – I will try to get better with that – I recently went to Nashville as I have a wonderful set of friends there. It was a very creative weekend for me – not just with photography....