What’s your hurry?
Have you ever wondered why people always seem to be in a hurry? On the one hand I say – stop, slow down, live your dash…and on the other hand I say – GAH!!! They are right life is short get as much in as possible!! There has to be a happy medium.
Today’s Photo
While up in the mountains we came across this great and wonderful the world. I have a few photos from a prior trip up to the top of this same mountain that are awaiting their special day, however I took this a few weeks ago and though I normally process way out of order I decided to process this and see what came out of it. I really liked it and hope you do to – click the photo to see a larger size and you can also buy one from there as well.
I will be discussing this shot on an upcoming Google+ hangout – if you would like to join that hangout let me know and I will send you an invite. We will also be talking photography in general.

Yo ill hangout with you. Sweet shot