You have my heart

This is one of those shots that just happened. It was not setup for this. While at the Morris Lighthouse in Folly Beach SC, my oldest son and I were walking along. I had an idea to shoot a few shadows. I took one with him looking up at me, me looking up at him then...

As the wind blows

While painfully hobbling along the sand – why you ask? I had a broken foot 🙂 – while walking to the Morris Island lighthouse at Folly Beach I stopped to look at all the lovely scenes that were there. I remember looking out to the ocean, feeling the wind...

Cluttered Mess

Well, if you are like us the house is a cluttered mess after Christmas. Having two kids it looks as if a toy store somewhat exploded. What used to be the toy room was already packed, so now the other rooms have become sanctuaries for the new members of the toy family....